Photos to inspire you to travel

die schönsten Fotos

My grandma used to say, “A day is just a moment.” If I look back at the year 2018, I could apply this saying to the year as a whole. I learned a lot in my first year of being self-employed, I experienced highs and also some lows and I was allowed to go on some great journeys. The end of the year is the time to reflect and get inspired. I’d like to show you my photos to inspire you to travel.

At the beginning of 2018, I took the step into self-employment. Both my websites were finished by then and so I was able to start my business by offering photo courses at the beginning of the year. In the course of the year, I extended my offer by theme-related photo workshops and in autumn I led my first photography tour to Tuscany with a great group of people. For 2019 I’ve got some amazing destinations in my tour program. Ecuador and Galapagos, Venice, Azores, Ireland, South Tyrol, Tuscany and Myanmar.

My trips in the second half of the year 2018 took me to Budapest, where I researched the best locations for my photo workshop. In Provence, I searched for the most beautiful lavender fields and barely managed to catch them. In September I was able to explore the North of Sicily and I was very enthusiastic about Palermo and the diversity of this city. In October I traveled with a group of photography enthusiasts to Tuscany and led them to the most beautiful photo spots. Even though some of us had to get out of bed early in the morning, it always paid off, because the sunrises were simply fantastic. Not forget to mention the wonderful spots we have in Austria.

The color red

Red is one of my favorite colors. I think the red, old tramcars in Vienna are particularly photogenic, even though they are more a means to an end rather than a convenient means of transport. This photo was taken during a photo workshop in Vienna at night in front of the beautiful Vienna Opera House.

die schönsten Fotos



Photographing landscapes is my absolute passion. Most of the time I forget space and time around me, especially when I have beautiful landscapes like here in Tuscany in front of me. Val d’Orcia valley has a myriad of great photo locations. If you would like to join me to Tuscany to photograph these fabulously beautiful landscapes, drop me an email and I’ll send you all the details.

die schönsten Fotos

A canyon in Austria

Did you know that we have a red canyon in Austria? This one is in Salzburg and admittedly, it’s not very easy to find and certainly not very easy to reach. You need a pair of waders (they look absolutely sexy) and the best thing is to go in company, because the path there is not completely safe. If the water is too high, it is almost impossible to get there.

die schönsten Fotos


The view from the Pyramidenkogel in Carinthia to the Wörthersee won my personal viewpoint award this year. It was a radiantly beautiful day at the beginning of December, the elevator up to the tower was closed, so that not too many people got there. I love the blue color of the Wörthersee lake and the foggy wafts, which pulled through again and again.

die schönsten Fotos


An abstract can be many things, the boundaries in abstract photography become blurred. What is abstract for some is not abstract for others. My photo is probably rather borderline in order to put it in this category. But it’s one of my favorite pictures taken in Sicily. In the middle of September the beaches were already empty and on my walk, I discovered this bath towel with the flip-flops on the beach. Due to my elevated viewpoint, I was able to photograph the abandoned towel from above.

die schönsten Fotos

My favorite photo in 2018

My most beautiful photo was also taken in Tuscany. The light there is simply magical and the sunrises amaze me every time. It was fantastic to stand here at this spot with the participants on the first morning of my photography tour and see their reaction. The fog, which is rising between the many landscape levels paired with the light of the early morning let you forget immediately that you have gotten up at such an early time in the morning.

Fotoreise Toskana


Who doesn’t love a sunset? This one was captured in Marsala, Sicily. The salt mines with the windmills are popular, but nevertheless, beautiful scenery, don’t you think?

solo vacation package


Golden light

For us photographers, the golden light is the most beautiful light. And also the viewer of the picture immediately feels a pleasant warmth and longs for this place. I hope you feel the same way. In Selinunte in Sicily, there is this excavation site, which is picturesquely situated on a hill and which is bathed in wonderful light especially before sunset.

solo vacation package

City at nightfall

In summer I was in Budapest on a research trip for my photography workshop. I really had no idea how photogenic this city was. Situated on the Danube with two magnificent panoramic mountains, it almost screams to be photographed. I spent most of my time in the city at the blue hour and at night to take pictures.

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I could do that for hours: walking around in a city with a tripod and photographing the city lights and trams. This combination creates a great dynamic in photographs. I like the yellow trams on the green Liberty Bridge in Budapest. I spent hours there and probably I already photographed every single corner of the bridge.

Fotoworkshop Budapest


I was able to visit the Salzburg Lake District in late summer and discovered a special place of energy – the Buchberg. The walk through the forest in the silence and the fresh air alone is a relief. At the top, you can find a bench by a tree. Try it out, sit down and absorb the energy of this magical place.


I hope you enjoyed my photos and found some inspiration. If you want, have a look at my previous photography highlight posts:

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