Mobile data everywhere you want

I was browsing for weeks searching for a mobile spot gadget when I found GlobalMe U2. It is a device sized a bit thicker than an iPhone providing mobile Wi-Fi spot. The big advantage of this device is that you do not need a local sim. When travelling I was tired of looking for local sim cards and most of the time I forgot to buy one on arrival. And I also wanted to be available for calls on my number.

The price of the device is 140 Euro on Amazon and you get an international data package of 1 GB for free. It is available in black and a feminine gold 😉
All you have to do is download the app, register and activate the package which is valid for 365 days.

Although the data roaming issue within the EU has been solved as of June 2017, this gadget is still perfect as an addition or when you travel outside the EU.

What devices are you using? I’m curious to hear your thoughts.


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