Gifts for photographers and travelers

Geschenke für Fotografen und Reisende

Giving presents is almost more delightful than receiving any. Certainly, every one of us is grateful and happy when we get a surprise but to me, making someone happy with a gift really feels fabulous. And when it has been selected thoughtfully and the giftee’s eyes glow, you know that you have done everything right. Do you have friends or family who are into photography and traveling? Or do you have a Christmas wish list yourself and need some inspiration? Find these 12 gifts for travel photographers and photography enthusiasts who love to travel the world.

1. A 50 mm prime lense

This year it is at the top of my wishlist, the 50 mm prime lens. The main advantage of this lens is the aperture of 1:1.8, which allows me to photograph even in darker ambient light without having to turn the ISO too far up. Second plus point: the price. For just slightly over 100 Dollars, the lens has a very attractive price.

2. Travel inspiration "Epic drives of the world"

I love illustrated books. A dream of mine is to create one myself one day. Until then, I ask Santa for this one: the 50 epic drives by Lonely Planet. In this book, you will find breathtaking coastal roads, adventurous pass roads or just the classics like Route 66, which are always worth driving anyway. But I’m sure you’ll find a lot of travel inspiration for 2019 (and so will I). 

3. Angelbird portable drive

The big question of the traveling photographer … how do we secure our data? Angelbird has a great solution: the tiny hard drive that even fits in our pocket and offers storage sizes from 256GB to 2TB. Admittedly, with the 1 TB hard drive, Santa has to dig a little deeper into his pocket. In addition to the format, it has two major advantages: Number 1 – the cable can’t be torn off because the connector is recessed in the case. Number 2 – the hard disk is resistant to magnetism and X-rays. 


4. A photography course

How good are you with the settings of your camera? Are the terms aperture and shutter speed unknown to you and your best friend is automatic mode? Then maybe you’d like to think about changing that. If you live in Vienna or have plans to visit Vienna, I’d like to offer you one of my photography classes. I offer beginners classes and workshops for specific topics to deepen your knowledge. If this is too far away from where you live, I’m sure you will find great photography schools nearby.  


5. Your own gallery at home

How about taking awesome photographs and create your own gallery at your home? Don’t be humble.  Grab your camera and put yourself out there. Look for some amazing spots while you travel, get your photos printed on high-quality photo paper and fix them in beautiful frames. 

6. A Portable Home Security System

Safety always comes first, especially when traveling. This gadget for less than 15 Dollars ensures that you can sleep more safely in your hotel or guesthouse room. When you attach the alarm to the door and the door is opened, a deafening noise starts and will certainly deter any intruder.  This mini alarm with a built-in flashlight is perfect for solo travelers. 

7. Pacsafe Bag Protector

Let’s stick a little bit to the subject of security. This time for your luggage or even better, for your camera equipment. With this bag protection system, you can attach and lock your backpack to a solid object: The camera equipment in the hotel room, for example, if you’re on the road during the day without your gear. The mobile safe is also suitable for camping or mountain holidays. It’s not a super sexy gift, but really useful. 

8. Get inspired in photography

Have you just started with photography, are passionate about it but have problems finding ideas? No worries, that’s normal. Please, do not put your camera aside. Instead, get some photography inspiration. Choose a task and make it your project for the week or at least the month. After you’ve finished it, choose another one. Keep going and you will be rewarded with a constant improvement of your photos

9. Three Axis Triple Bubble Spirit Level

You’re thinking what to do with this gadget, right? Well, if you’re photos tend to be out of horizon you should consider getting help by this little level cube which you mount on your camera. It has three axis and helps you capturing exact horizontal photographs. Save time and get rid of one step in post editing by having straight photos right in the first place. 

10. Packing cubes

I’ve been using packing cubes for two years and I will never pack my suitcase without them ever again. Since I’ve packed my stuff in these cubes, my suitcase is chaos-free and I can find everything on the spot without digging. The cubes are super practical, especially on a road trip or a trip with different locations. Even after your third hotel location change, your suitcase looks like you’ve just started your trip. 

11. A coffee table book about the best travel destinations

Books are always a great gift – for someone else and also for yourself. Have I told you that I love coffee table books? This National Geographic book shows 500 destinations and insider tips. It’s perfect to get some travel inspiration or make someone be inspired to travel. But pay attention: don’t blame me for any side effects like terrible wanderlust.

12. A leather travel journal

I like books – I love to touch them and I love the smell. One of my weaknesses are beautiful journals. Whenever I travel, I always have one with me to make notes about my journey, the photo spots that I found, wonderful encounters with people and fun stories. Even though I’ve got my laptop with me, I prefer a journal with a beautiful cover. This leather travel journal is a wonderful gift for photographers and travelers. 

Did you find some gift inspiration for photographers or travelers? Or maybe you found yourself something you haven’t thought of? Happy Holidays.

Nicola from  

Gifts for photographers and travelers
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